2040 Digital: Experts in Technology Strategy
Millennials will soon be the majority of your customers and members, plus your employees, and represent the majority of your existing or potential revenue.
Your organization or business now exists in an omnichannel world in which one customer or member interacts with you across all your channels, wherever, however and whenever they desire.
And your customers’ and members’ preferences are changing.
They want digital products, services and interactions along with your traditional physical world products, services and interactions.
And the next generations are tech-savvy with an intuitive understanding how to identify and apply tech solutions.
Technology is changing at a rapid pace and both the opportunities and challenges increase with each jump in progress.
However, technology shouldn’t drive your business.
It is a tool that should enable your business in achieving your goals and objectives.
All too often an organization chooses a technology tool, system, application or platform simply because an employee used it at a former employer or because of an IT individual’s personal preference or comfort level.
The other trap is choosing a technology tool, system application or platform because a vendor provided a great demonstration, often on the first call you received.
Organizations and businesses need to clearly define their business and goals and seek technologies that can enable achieving specific goals.
A technology strategy matched to the business and goals is critical.
Without a relevant technology strategy, a hit or miss approach is frustrating and over time creates resentment…and ultimately, failure.
2040 Digital has a proven track record in assisting organizations create the appropriate technology strategy and implementing it.
Your Digital Technology Strategy
Strategies, goals and plans are critically important.
An organization needs to be clear about where it has been and where it is striving to go.
Organizations without strategies or forward-thinking plans may get immediate results but won’t be able to adapt as the world and the market change.
Today’s competitive world revolves around a global digital space where your customers and members are interacting daily, on their own terms, with the brands they love, the organizations they belong to and the communities they align with.
A digital business is no different.
To anticipate the future and to thrive, you need to build a digital business model with a tech strategy that sets your plans, goals and direction for high-quality digital services and interactions with your audience, customers or members.
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- Platform Solutions: 2040 Digital assess, audits and recommends platforms and solutions.
- Systems Assessment: Our team acts as an independent resource to research, identify and rank your technology platforms and systems.
- Staff, Platforms and Practices: We conduct a 360° organizational analysis and assess current digital capabilities.
Our Process
Whether is marketing technologies, marketing automation, subscription or member management, overall systems and applications or social and content management.
We provide our extensive strategic and tactical technology expertise.
We deliver a comprehensive packaged process to:
- Assess, audit and recommend platforms and solutions. We identify internal and externally-facing systems, providing you with the insight and knowledge you need to prepare for, and participate in the digital economy
- Act as an independent resource to research, identify and rank your technology platforms and systems
- Deliver extensive expertise to act on your behalf and manage the RFP, procurement and implementation processes ensuring you secure the most economical and fully functioning tools and platforms for your organization or business future
- Conduct organizational analysis and assess current digital capabilities
- Develop in-sourced, out-sourced or hybrid models that align with business goals and desired results
- Develop policies, procedures and processes that enable capability potential and meet policy, privacy, security and legal requirements
- Manage, identify and recruit contractor, staff or other resources to bring the chosen model to life
Case Studies and Examples
American Thoracic Society (ATS)
- Developed requirements based RFP for new digital engagement and event tracking platforms
- Developed strategy and coordinated selection of audience response systems (ARS)
- Managed RFP and selection process for attendee beacon tracking solutions
- Negotiated service level agreements and draft contracts
- Serve ATS as independent strategic and tactical advisor across marketing, sales and technology
National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP)
- Conducted a technology, systems and digital readiness assessment
- Created 1 and 3 year technology strategic plan
- Led the Request for Proposal and contracting process for new technology acquisition
- Assisted NALP as independent strategic and tactical advisor
EB Medicine
- Conducted a technology and digital readiness assessment
- Created technology strategic plan
- Led the Request for Proposal and contracting process for new technology acquisition
- Assisted EB Medicine as independent strategic and tactical advisor
- Conducted a technology and digital readiness assessment
- Created technology strategy and business plan for increasing revenue
- Developed a joint venture strategy for technology and product acquisition
- Assisted NASDAQ as independent strategic and tactical advisor
News Check Media
- Developed requirements based RFP for new digital platforms
- Facilitated solicitation and vendor selection process
- Negotiated service level agreements and draft contracts
- Assisted News Check Media as independent strategic and tactical advisor