Lead Generation and Lead Scoring
Digital has transformed your market as current and prospect customers, members and subscribers have turned into modern buyers. The modern buyer desires companies and organizations to provide higher levels of product and service value, personalized services and meet expectations (at a high-quality level) for communication anytime and anywhere, regardless of channel.
- Preferences and desires have evolved to one-to-one connective engagement.
- Research is conducted before purchase (highly informed).
- Communication and services is expected across multiple channels (anytime and anyway)
As your “buyer” changes, so must the processes, procedures and approaches to how you generate leads and seek to convert those leads to paying customers, members or subscribers. Your new processes require a change from traditional “spray and pray” marketing to “hyper-segmented” marketing. A new way of reaching and generating leads that leverages marketing automation, behavioral and interaction data and lead scoring to move the lead from awareness to decision quickly and effectively.
What is Marketing Automation?
Marketing Automation Systems and Platforms allow you to move to offering the right product or service to the right customer at the right time and moment. The systems and platforms leverage everything digital and match how the modern buyer seeks products, information and services in a “problem to solution” lead generation structure.
- Automated Systems allowing “right time” & “right moment”.
- Builds “problem to solution” lead generation structure.
- Monitors and tracks campaigns, digital and physical activity and more of known users.
- Collects transactional performance and behavioral
- Allows testing, measurement and detailed reporting.
- Promotes hyper-segmentation to modern unique buyers.
- Allows Manual and Automatic Lead Scoring.
Why is Marketing Automation Important to Your Lead Generation Efforts?
Your former (or perhaps current) manual processes of managing lists of possible leads, daily calls to those leads and sitting back hoping for someone to pick up the phone or call you back doesn’t work well anymore, does it?
Marketing automation allows you to capture, curate and manage those lists and move leads through your funnel so that you are spending your limited time interacting with those that are the most promising.
It offers you a set of new mechanics and tools to make your day to day easier and of course more successful.
Forms, landing pages, calls to action (CTAs) and offers allow you to have the lead contribute information and interest, saving you time and energy.
The collection of interaction and behavioral data (from forms, landing pages, CTAs and offers) amends what you already know about your leads and contributes to an opportunity to use manual and predictive (automatic) lead scoring, provide you what you need to know at the most critical time and allow you to close those leads into customers, members or subscribers.
So what is lead scoring in the new realm of marketing automation and the modern buyer?
Lead scoring focuses on the scoring of explicit and implicit attributes where explicit comprises name, address, demographics, industry or company specific information as examples along with implicit which represents their digital and offline behaviors with you.
Attributes can be positive or negative depending on how you value the information and data you are gathering on potential leads. The positive and negative attributes feed into a scoring model which the system uses to make you aware of the most promising leads.
Do you remember doing this in manual ways before? Time consuming and challenging for sure. Much of your time wasted on process and not actually interacting with those near the bottom of the funnel.
Why continue to waste time?
We can help you! Tom Pines, the CEO of Real Magnet and I recently gave a webinar on Lead Generation and Lead Scoring in the new Digital Realm. Get my Presentation Slides or listen in and watch both of our presentations via the webinar. As Always, we are here to help you in your digital and marketing journey. Contact us to learn how we can help you achieve your revenue and relevance goals.