It is all about the Content!
Over the past two weeks I have had many conversations with companies wanting to take the leap and move into digital. The challenge is that many view that it as a technical leap that they need to make. They have heard the hype of different platforms or tools, seen some of the success stories of others, and/or heard a great sales pitch from one company or another offering to be the solution to all of their needs and wants. Yes, technology is very important but……
What is interesting in all of these conversations is the lack of the focus on content and organizational change. Ultimately it is all about the content, content the organization is producing that is of interest, content that the organization is aggregating, the positions the organization is pontificating about and aspiring to lead for a particular industry.
It is about the story that comes from and surrounds the content, it is the emotion that you inspire to have customers feel via your brand, your content, your interaction/conversation and the messages you are sending.
Technology is wonderful, it facilitated the creation of a new connected and flattened world with the key word being facilitated. It is the story, the content, the conversation that brings people together digitally. The content and story create loyalty to brands and products, it impacts customer decision making on what they purchase and what they promote, and most importantly what and who they recommend to their friends and family.
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